Our Services

Adult Choir – meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m. This vocal choir sings hymns and anthems in a variety of voicing and musical styles. They assist in leading worship approximately two weekends each month. New singers are most welcome!
Adult Bells – meets Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. This handbell choir is looking for adults who enjoy music and the fellowship of working together. They ring for worship services about every 6 weeks. Beginning ringers are most welcome!
Other Music Opportunities – Community of Christ Lutheran Church has many ways to involve those with special musical gifts. Whether your gift is vocal or instrumental, whether you prefer to be a part of an ensemble or provide solo music or instrumental parts for the hymns or choir anthems, there are many times throughout the year in which there is an opportunity for you to share your gifts and talents. If you have any skills to share, please get in touch with our Music Director, Eric Dickey at 419-877-0607 (office) or